# Release notes ## PHP SDK v2.4.1 ---------------------- * Bug Fix ### Bugfixes * SDK-345 Security Vuln: Disable SSL checks for PHP SDK is allowed by default in the downloadable source code. ## PHP SDK V2.4.0 ---------------------- * new entity features * minor version 5 support * france locale support ### New entity features Transfer entity added Deposit entity added ### Minor version 5 Type field is required for Item entity ### France locale support Journal Code entity added AccountAlias field added for Account entity TxnLocationType(location) added for Account entity Added new operation updateAccountOnTxns for Customer/Vendor Added new operation donotUpdateAccountOnTxns for Item ## PHP SDK v2.3.1 ---------------------- * Bug Fix ### Bugfixes * SDK-345 Security Vuln: Disable SSL checks for PHP SDK is allowed in the downloadable source code. ## PHP SDK v2.3.0 ---------------------- * Report API support * Bug Fixes ## PHP SDK v2.2.0 ---------------------- * minor version 3 support * minor version 4 support * typos and spelling mistakes have been fixed ## PHP SDK v2.1.0 ---------------------- * new entity features * minor version 2 support * bugfixes ### New entity features TaxService entity added. Provides ability to create TaxCode and TaxRate objects. Email operation for Invoice, Estimate and SalesReceipt objects with the POST operation, send. The format of the email content is dependent on the user's company settings. Void operation for SalesReceipt and Payment objects with payment type of Cash or Check, only. Viewing the PDF for Invoice, Estimate and SalesReceipt objects with the GET operation, pdf. Added capability to export the PDF to a defined directory. The Bill entity now supports linking its total payment to the corresponding BillPayment entity via the Bill.LinkedTxn attribute. ### Minor version 2 Transaction tax type as defined in company setting is now used instead of always defaulting toExclusive. Note: This change is only applicable to global companies. QuickBooks Online endpoints are now invoked with minorVersion=2. See Minor versions for more information. Resolved issues ### Bugfixes * SDK-37 Batch/CDC Exception handling had an undefined variable and was throwing meaningless exceptions. * SDK-38 CDC Date strings were not URL encoded for change data capture (CDC) operations. * SDK-40 Batch Batch item Id attribute (bId) was not populated correctly. * SDK-42 Batch Batch response now contains a description of the fault instead of no information. * SDK-78 Invoice A CheckNullResponseAndThrowException exception was thrown when a line amount was specified as 0. * SDK-142 N/A App.Config file was not found when trying to run php scripts in _Samples folder. * SDK-146 N/A Users would receive this message: Non-static method XmlObjectSerializer::getXmlFromObj() should not be called statically. ## PHP SDK v2.0.5 ---------------------- 1. IPP-7409, IPPA-311 PHP SDK fails while deserializing Payments response